So my teacher once said. ”There’s no such thing as stupid question.”
Miss? ”Can I fuck ur ass and rip you a new one?” Bullshit theres no such thing as a dumb question.
Its like you fall off your bike and ur grabbing ur leg with both arms moaning. ”My Leg! My fucking leg hurts so fucking bad.” Its almost fucking certain that some prick will come over and ask these 2 exact questions.
1. ”Are you hurt?” – Course im fucking hurt u just watched me flip over the handlebars and im fucking bleeding.
2. ”Where bouts does it hurt?” – Are you a fucking dipshit? Im grabbing my leg and moaning ”My fucking leg” and u can’t figure out where Im in pain? Juat go fucking die mate.
Another example of a dumb question is when u go to a friends house and u forget your toothpaste so you ask your friend. ”Mate can a borrow some toothpaste please.” and they reply with the annoying automaic response ”what for” – So I can scrub your fuckikg brain for saying ”wat for” What possible use would I have for toothpaste? Im holding a brush in my right had and im at the sink. What the fuck else am I going to do other than clean my teeth so they don’t look like im from 13th century scotland!
When you’ve clearly gotten away with being a decieving little fucker and soemones got a hunch that your guilty. Theres no fucking way your going to to get caughts unless ur conscience is like a fuckin Jesus Christ that appears on your shoulder and demands you tell the truth. Anyway the person with the hunch suddenly asks ”Did you do this?” – Now why the fuck would I admit my guilt u stupid motherfucker. Do I want a record? No you stupid fuckwit. Its like the cops pull you over at 2am and they say ”sir you have 2 dead hookers in your car and you’re covered in blood.What do you have to say?” The automagic response should and will away be ”What? No way, dead hookers in in my car. Its just not possible sir.”
So to all those teachers who say theres no such thing as a dumb question. You can all basically just get fucked.